Friday, June 10, 2011

Five Minute Tidy (with a fantastic twist!)

Out of sorts. Disarray. Messy. Untidy. Disorder. Topsy-turvy. Below par.

You know how it feels - you look around and suddenly you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Don't you just want to snap your fingers?  I have the next best thing.
I am almost positive this will be my all-time favorite idea to share with fellow mothers! I'm sure lots of moms do something similar - but if not, it's a must-share! One day my sister, Beth, was over at our home, and I yelled out to my children what they hear at least 10 times a week...sometimes 20.  "Five minute tidy! Ready, Set, Go!" Since then, I know she uses it in her home just as often, and EVEN in her 3rd grade classroom!

Before five minute tidy today! (Can't believe I am posting this!)

Ok - five minutes of picking up and straightening - so what's the big deal, right? It's the little twist that makes this so perfectly magically wonderful!

So, once I have set the oven timer for five minutes and shouted, "GO!" - the kids know to immediately get going - because if not.. I instantly add one minute to the timer. And that my friends, is the twist I speak of.... the spontaneous adding of minutes! During the five minutes of picking up, straightening, etc. - I am at close watch. The second I see someone either a) moving too slow in my opinion or b) doing anything other than cleaning, even for a second, (and I am strict - that's why this works so well) I yell "...adding a minute!" Then I put another minute on the timer. Obviously the kids hate that, so they really push and encourage each other the whole time. When I hear anyone be "mean" or harsh, I immediately add another minute after yelling for all to hear, "adding a minute!" For example, let's say Jackson picks up a ball to put away and then starts tossing it up and catching it. I yell, "adding a minute!" That is frustrating to everyone else. So Aubrey might decide to say something like, "Jackson! Sheesh, thanks a lot!" Guess what mama does? Yep, I add a minute, because that's not allowed.

The last thing the kids want is a longer cleaning period, right? SO, they will do whatever it takes to make it as short as possible. That means, they work very quickly and efficiently. Like I said, if they spend even a second doing anything else, or not working to my standards, I add a minute. MAGIC I tell you. Magic.

It is quite rare that I set the timer for 5 minutes, and it stays that way. Nine times out of 10, I have to add at least one minute during the tidy. If I am not strict, the kids won't work as diligently. Remember: The key to making this so effective is to be very strict and quick to add minutes.

So, what happens when the house looks great and there is still time left? Everyone grabs a baby wipe and starts cleaning door jams, around the door knobs, baseboards, and kitchen fixtures.

It's truly amazing what five (plus a few) quality minutes of tidy-ing can do! Truly. We always look around after it's over with a big smile and sense of relief.

Can't tell you how easy it is to yell out "Five minute tidy" rather than, "Taylor please do the counters. Aubrey clear the table. Hannah, pick up the toys in the living room... Jackson blah blah blah!"

We have had days that we have had to do this six or seven times in ONE day. But it works so, so well. I especially like to do it right before we walk out the door to go somewhere. The feeling of walking back into to a nice, picked-up home is invaluable! It can set the mood right then and there.

After the 5 minute tidy - I only had to add one minute today! Success!

So, happy 5 minute tidy-ing! Oh, and don't forget the fun music - always a must. Would love your feedback, we can all help each other!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Ok, this is my FAVORITE way to get a quick fix at home or in my class. But since there are 24 kiddos in my classroom, we do a "Two minute tidy" which works well too. I think I forgot about the "being mean" minute addition. I definitely need to add that component in my house.

  2. I love the add-a-minute idea with grumpiness. I add a minute and everyone complains more or gripes at someone else. Really smart, Tracy!

  3. I can just see the first few times we try this and someone gets lazy so I add a minute, then everyone complains and scoffs... and I add more mintues... It's going to be a brutal scene here the first time, but eventually they'll catch on, because I know my kids are smart. :) Thanks for twist on the classic "I've got to do something to save my sanity" 5-minute tidy. :)

  4. That's fantastic, Tracy! I'll be sure to try it! You're a smart lady! :)

  5. I just did this tonight and I loved it! Especially when I could add 1 minute because the teenager was being snotty. It was late and the 5 year old just couldn't cope with it. We ended up just putting him to bed. I'll have to try it again when he's well rested. :) Thanks so much!! I love it! (Cathy)
